Ke Healthy and Refreshing Carrot Ginger Juice F

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Healthy and Refreshing Carrot Ginger Juice

Carrot Ginger juice with detailed photo and video.
- Healthy and refreshing drink with carrots and ginger

Vegetables are always considered healthy especially, when consumed raw. The best way to consume veggies is in the form of salads and juices. But we Indians prefer eating cooked vegetables with lots of spices than the uncooked serving.  Still, we enjoy different varieties of juices with a lot of native seasonal varieties.  Different type of juices in vibrant colors equally attracts both elders and kids.

    Today's recipe is also a healthy and tasty juice as we prefer juices and drinks more in these hot seasons. Usually, we visit our native in summer vacations as it is a little bit difficult for us to stay here in this hot season. But this time, we can't go home due to the present condition of our nation . Hope everything will be back to normal and we could meet our loved ones very soon.

    The carrot ginger juice as the name indicate it is the blend of both carrot and ginger. Despite of the vast health benefits, it is a tasty dish and will help to nourish and immunize to a great extend. The ginger helps to prevent the gastric problems to a great extend and carrots rich in calcium, beta - carotene, vitamin K, potassium, etc is not only strengthen our bones and eyes but also aid weight loss.

    This juice can be made in the fresh juicer which is more tastier and colorful but most people may not have a fresh juicer at home. So I think, better to share the mixer grinder or blender method. A quick and easy recipe, try and enjoy.

    Carrot ginger juice | How to make healthy and refreshing carrot ginger juice at home | The weight loss friendly carrot ginger juice

    A highly refreshing drink with carrot and ginger

    Preparation time: 5 minutes | Cooking time: Nil | Total time: 5 minutes


    • 3 small carrots
    • 1 small piece ginger
    • 1/2 of a small lemon
    • 1.5 tbsp sugar
    • 1 cup water

    How to make carrot ginger juice

    Carrot ginger juice preparation with step by step photos

    Preparation carrot ginger juice is very easy. Only one thing, you have to take care, always use fresh ingredients to make juice. Any old or rotten one will spoil your dish and also your belly. Wash all the ingredients thoroughly with fresh water before use.
    1. For this recipe, I used three medium sized carrots which weigh between 150 grams and it will give you two cups of juice. Peel off the skin of both ginger and carrots and cut into small pieces to ensure even grinding. Take these ingredients into the juicer jar of your mixer grinder.
    2. Add sugar to your taste. Use of sugar is not necessary as the carrot is sweet in nature and that is actually enough for the dish. If you are making this as weight loss juice, then I surely recommend you to skip this step.
    3. Then to get a slight sourness,  squeeze half of a small lemon or more according to your taste. Make sure that the lemon seeds are not falling in the blender.
    4. Add 1 cup of water and then close the jar with a lid and grind till the carrots and ginger grind till smooth.
    5. Sieve through a juice strainer and discard the pieces after extracting the entire juice. 
    6. Serve chilled and enjoy.
    Happy cooking

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