Vegetable fried rice without soya sauce recipe with detailed .
Vegetable fried rice is a popular rice dish and can be made in a jiffy. It is an easy way to introduce veggies to kids, especially when they hesitate
to take vegetables. But buying fried rice regularly from the restaurants is not a good
option, is it? So let us try this at home. I have been doing this for many
years and nowadays at least twice in a week. Here, I am introducing a healthy way to make
fried rice without Ajinomoto and sauces. Due to controversies on Ajinomoto, I
will not recommend you to use it, especially when you make it for the kids. Also consuming
sauces regularly is also not healthy. Let us forward a step towards healthy food.
I have already given a detailed post on how to cook rice for fried rice. So I am not going to repeat that, but still a reminder. The rice should not be overcooked. It should be cooled completely before sautéing. You can also prepare rice in the previous night and refrigerate it. A well refrigerated rice will never give you a broken clumsy fried rice.
To make vegetable
fried rice, main items are carrots and beans only. But some area they are using capsicum and cabbages also. But I personally don’t like
them in my fried rice. In addition to this you can use corn, baby corns, peas etc.
Instead of using Ajinomoto, we can make a flavorful and tasty
fried rice with the natural flavoring agents like ginger, garlic and spring
onions, so please do not avoid any of these.
Vegetable fried rice recipe | Vegetable fried rice without soya sauce recipe | How to make simple vegetable fried rice at home
Healthy rice preparation with vegetables
Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 7 minutes | Total time: 23 minutes
- 1 cup basmati rice, (Cook it, for cooking method please click here)
- 1 teaspoon garlic cloves, chopped
- 1” piece ginger, chopped
- 1/4 cup carrot, chopped
- 1/2 cup French beans, chopped
- 2 stems of spring onion, chopped
- 2 spring onion bulbs, chopped
- 1 teaspoon white pepper powder (more or less depending on your taste)
- 1 teaspoon white vinegar (Optional)
- Salt as needed
- Oil as needed
How to Make vegetable fried rice without soya sauce with step by step photos
- Heat 3 teaspoons of oil in a pan. Use olive oil or sunflower oil , I use sunflower oil here. Always keep the flame on high.
- Add 1 teaspoon chopped garlic and and 1 teaspoon chopped ginger. Sauté for a minute on high flame, till the ginger and garlic became slightly brown.
- Then add spring onion bulbs, chopped and saute for one or two seconds. I have used two spring onion bulbs.
- Then add the chopped vegetables, the spring onion bulbs, French beans and carrot.
- Saute for a minute. The veggies should be crisp. Never cook completely. (This stage you can add sauces if you like, 2 teaspoon soya sauce and 1 teaspoon chili sauce).
- Add the rice and salt. If you added salt while cooking rice, then a small pinch only.
- Add pepper powder taste, preferably white pepper powder. This will help you to retain the color.
- Saute carefully without breaking the grains. Finally, add some chopped spring onion greens and white vinegar.
- Then again mix gently so that everything mix up well.
- Serve hot .
Vegetable fried rice - Tips
- Use good quality rice and the rice should be cool down completely before cooking fried rice.
- You can try the same with coconut oil also. It adds a special taste to the dish.
Happy cooking